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Alex Vittetoe

My time in Israel more than just expanded my perspective of the world, it transformed my paradigm. Everything in the Bible was suddenly alive and very, very real – with an authenticity that I could never replicate in my Western imagination. The on-site teachings we received made everything stick in my head as if I had actually lived there during that time. What an amazing experience!


Jessica C.

Going to Israel with Dr. Davis has truly been a life-changing experience.  The presence of the Lord was evident in places like the Garden of Gethsemane, the Valley of Elah, and the Southern Steps.  God did some miraculous inner healing in my life while I was in Israel. It is an amazing experience to walk in the very places where my Lord and Savior, Jesus walked. This experience has also made reading the Bible come alive in a new and powerful way in my life.  If the opportunity came for me to go to Israel again with Dr. Davis, I definitely would go!


Alexa Lohry

My trip to Israel was indeed a life changing experience. I feel as if  I encountered the person of Jesus Christ for the very first time! When I was there I no longer felt that the events of the Bible were some far away historical events, but that they were closer than I thought, I actually got to stand in the places that the history of my faith was made!